EPILOK -liquid modified epoxy resins
EPILOK epoxy resins [ liquid modified] comprise of a series of formulated grades that have special characteristics that offer extended shelf-life and handling ease in conjunction with specialist processing, application or performance characteristics.
Again, these grades are highly versatile and offer the formulator a choice of properties in order to develop products or systems for an extensive number of industrial and decorative applications.
This group of products also offers enhanced wetting [ pigment and substrate] characteristics and in many cases the reduced viscosity of some of the grades allows for high filler loading which in turn can lead to low exotherm, reduced shrinkage and in most cases improved thermal conductivity.
Unless stated otherwise all of the following are diluent [reactive] modified epoxy resins.
epilok 60-560
Resin with low viscosity and excellent wetting and property retention [ n-BGE ].
epilok 60-561
Resin with low viscosity and excellent chemical resistance [ CGE ].
epilok 60-562
Resin with low viscosity and increased flexibility [ Flexibilising diluent ].
epilok 60-563
Resin with low viscosity and low odour [ Mono-epoxide diluent ].
epilok 60-564
Resin with moderate viscosity, good functionality and mechanical properties.
epilok 60-565
Resin with good crystallisation resistance and mechanical properties.
epilok 60-566
Resin with good crystallisation resistance, functionality and mechanical properties.
epilok 60-567
Diluent [ non-reactive ] modified epoxy resin with good flexibility and acid resistance.
epilok 60-568
Resin with low viscosity, crystallisation resistance and low odour.
epilok 60-569
Resin with low viscosity and low odour.
EPILOK – Solid Epoxy Resin
EPILOK epoxy resins [ solid ] comprise of a series of resins that vary significantly in molecular weight. The fusion process employed in the advancement of liquid epoxy resins to the higher molecular weight described herein results in essentially di-functional epoxy terminated products with a linear backbone of repeat aromatic units. During the advancement process hydroxyl groups formed offer a further reaction site for certain cross-linking or curing agents and catalyse the reaction with amine based products.
With an increase in molecular weight there is generally an increase in the melting point and the solution viscosity of the product in solvent or solvent combinations for equivalent solids content. Higher molecular weight epoxy grades require highly efficient “true” solvents for stable solutions but may tolerate further co-solvents for cost reduction. We offer a standard range of solvated grades and will be pleased to discuss supply of solid grades in specific customer defined solvents at predetermined solids contents.
epilok 60-701
Standard solid Bis Phenol “A” epoxy resin – low Mwt solid with reasonable flexibility and resilience.
epilok 60-701 K80
Solid Bis Phenol “A” epoxy resin supplied in solution for ease of handling : 80% in M.E.K.
epilok 60-701 X75
Solid Bis Phenol “A” epoxy resin supplied in solution for ease of handling : 75% in Xylene.
epilok 60-707
Standard high molecular weight solid Bis Phenol “A” epoxy resin for heat curing applications.
epilok 60-707 K50
Solid Bis Phenol “A” epoxy resin supplied in solution for ease of handling : 50% in M.E.K.
epilok 60-709
Standard high molecular weight solid Bis Phenol “A” epoxy resin for heat curing applications.
epilok 60-709 K40
Solid Bis Phenol “A” epoxy resin supplied in solution for ease of handling : 40% in M.E.K.
epilok 60-762 K75
Special formulated solid Bis Phenol “A” epoxy resin formulated for electrical applications : 75% in M.E.K.
High molecular weight grades offer even greater flexibility and are often used with amino and phenolic resins in stoving systems utilised in the packaging coatings industry and for industrial protection. Further details of specific grades when formulated in conjunction with our CURAPHEN range of phenolic resins and our CURAZINE range of amino resins are available. These materials enable the formulation of highly resistant flexible coatings that offer outstanding adhesion, hardness and protection to a variety of product types and harsh environments with proven longevity.
Additional applications for solid grades are in the formulation of powder coating systems and again we offer a range of complementary cross-linking additives for formulated systems. Separate details are available for our powder coating hardeners. Whilst we offer a variety of different molecular weight grade epoxy resins we welcome discussion to formulate to specific customer needs. As previously detailed we will supply standard grades in a variety of alternate solvents at various solids levels. We are also pleased to discuss advancement of epoxy to specific EEW values and subsequent dilution. Further details are available following discussion with our technical sales personnel.
EPILOK – Toughened Epoxy Resins
Below is the table for our several toughening techniques are employed in the formulation and synthesis of this product group although the range is characterised by improved flexibility and resilience to thermal cycling.
Chemical resistance is reasonable and mechanical performance is excellent and products may be formulated in conjunction with other grades to develop specific properties. Uses are extensive although major volumes are consumed in composite, adhesive and electronic applications.
epilok 60-160
Special modified epoxy with increased flexibility and enhanced adhesive characteristics.
epilok 60-170
Special modified epoxy resin with enhanced flexibility and fracture toughness with maintenance of thermal properties.
epilok 60-183
Elastomer modified epoxy resin with increased toughness. [ Lower viscosity variant of EPILOK 60-185 ]
epilok 60-184
Elastomer modified epoxy resin with increased toughness. [ Relatively low viscosity with high elastomer content ]
epilok 60-185
Elastomer modified epoxy resin with increased toughness. [ Standard grade from this range ]
epilok 60-186
Elastomer modified epoxy resin with increased toughness. [ Standard grade from this range ]
epilok 60-190
Special modified epoxy resin for enhanced toughness and flexibility.
epilok 60-190 X75
Special modified epoxy resin for enhanced toughness and flexibility. Supplied pre-diluted : 75% Xylene.
epilok 60-192
Special modified epoxy resin for enhanced toughness and flexibility.
epilok 60-192 X90
Special modified epoxy resin for enhanced toughness and flexibility. Supplied pre-diluted : 90% Xylene.
EPILOK – Multi-functional epoxy resins
Bitrez Ltd offers a range of multi-functional grades offers exceptional performance/endurance characteristics when combined with a suitable curing agent and subjected to the appropriate cure schedule. Chemical resistance is excellent and retention of mechanical performance at elevated temperature is also enhanced.
Again they may be employed with other grades to upgrade performance. Uses are extensive although major volumes are consumed in coatings, composite, adhesive and electronic applications. EPILOK epoxy resins [ multi-functional or poly-functional] contain more than two epoxy groups per molecule and the presence of this higher level of functionality and subsequent cross-link density is responsible for their inherent chemical resistance and high temperature performance.
EPILOK multi-functional epoxy resins vary in chemical structure and functionality. The most common form of higher functionality epoxy resins is the epoxidised novolac grades that vary from viscous liquids through to moderate melting point solids. In most cases the physical form is an indication of the functionality although some proprietary grades are offered with reduced viscosity for ease of handling.
epilok 60-834
Epoxy novolac resin [ functionality 2.2 ] : lowest viscosity grade with good chemical and thermal performance.
epilok 60-835
Epoxy novolac resin [ functionality 2.5 ] : medium viscosity grade with good chemical and thermal performance.
epilok 60-836
Epoxy novolac resin [ functionality 2.5 ] : medium viscosity grade with good chemical and thermal performance.
epilok 60-838
Epoxy novolac resin [ functionality 3.8 ] : high viscosity grade with outstanding chemical and thermal performance.
epilok 60-842
Specially formulated low viscosity epoxy with high functionality. Excellent process and performance characteristics.
epilok 60-844
Specially formulated medium viscosity epoxy with high functionality. Excellent performance characteristics.
epilok 60-846
Solid high functionality epoxy resin with excellent thermal performance. [ Solvated grades available ]
epilok 60-848
Solid high functionality epoxy resin with excellent thermal performance [ Solvated grades available ]
epilok 60-850 K80
Special modified tetra functional epoxy resin with excellent thermal performance : 80% in Xylene.
epilok 60-860
Special tetra functional epoxy resin with excellent thermal performance. [ Solvated grades available ]
In addition to the epoxy novolac products and derivatives thereof there are also other epoxy functional materials that have higher functionality and even greater cured performance. Several tetra-functional grades are offered, and each have their own attributes. Irrespective of the multi-functional epoxy selected it can be generalised that when formulated with the appropriate curing agent and subjected to a suitable cure schedule, these materials offer very high chemical resistance and retention of properties at elevated temperatures.
The high cross-link density that conveys some of the more favourable characteristics can also contribute to a degree of brittleness and correct selection of curing agent and additives/reinforcement is essential. Use of a combination of multi-functional epoxy resins with conventional grades and selected curing agents or toughening additives can enable the formulation of systems with the optimum compromise of properties. As with all other areas of our range we will be pleased to discuss the options available in formulating suitable systems.
EPILOK – Specialty Epoxy Resin
Our range of speciality grades offers further formulation latitude and comprises of grades that offer unique properties. Several of the grades offer enhanced reactivity and improved low temperature cure when combined with a suitable curing agent and subjected to the appropriate cure schedule.
Chemical resistance varies from grade to grade although mechanical performance is similar to conventional epoxies in most cases.
Uses are extensive although major volumes are consumed in coatings, rapid setting adhesives and electronic applications.
EPILOK epoxy resins [ speciality ] are essentially epoxy functional materials that do not readily fall into any of the other categories and offer unique features in one form or another.
Included with this group of epoxy resins are a range of grades that offer rapid cure rates over a broad temperature range when formulated in conjunction with selected CURAMINE grades. Formulation of exceptionally fast adhesives is achievable although pot-life is minimal and such systems are only suitable for application via automated process equipment.
epilok 60-936
Special modified epoxy with very low viscosity and rapid cure rate with specific CURAMINE epoxy curing agents.
epilok 60-938
Special modified epoxy with moderate viscosity and enhanced wetting characteristics.
epilok 60-944
Special modified epoxy with low viscosity and rapid cure rate with specific CURAMINE epoxy curing agents.
epilok 60-946
Special modified epoxy with low viscosity and very rapid cure rate with specific CURAMINE epoxy curing agents.
epilok 60-948
Special modified epoxy with moderate viscosity and very rapid cure rate with specific CURAMINE epoxy curing agents.
epilok 60-960
Special modified epoxy with high thixotropy and low sag/slump characteristics.
epilok 60-964
Special modified epoxy with medium viscosity and rapid cure rate with wide range of CURAMINE epoxy curing agents.
epilok 60-966
Special modified epoxy with low viscosity and rapid cure rate with wide range of CURAMINE epoxy curing agents.
Some of the speciality grades offer cure at low temperatures and again when correctly formulated with the appropriate CURAMINE hardener can offer good cure rates at temperatures as low as 0℃. Additional benefits of some of these accelerated grades includes a reduced tendency to blush with cured performance characteristics of an almost equivalent level to that achieved with standard unmodified epoxy resins such as EPILOK 60-600 or one of the higher molecular weight derivatives.
Some of the fast setting epoxy grades are based on unsaturated additives and require special handling to avoid premature polymerisation [ specific details are provided in data sheets and guidance notes ]. In addition to fast setting grades we also offer products that may have other modifications in order to ease use and handling or provide enhanced performance characteristics. This includes some single part epoxy systems that may be ready for use in elevated temperature systems.